Sunday, January 17, 2016

2nd grade Winter Birch Tree and Cardinal Collage

Winter Art is so fun to explore! This Winter Collage merges a few concepts from different sources and I LOVE the stunning results. I listed the materials, steps and resource links below if you want to try this with your kiddos. Have fun!

  • Birch Tree and Bird Template
  • Black fine pt. Sharpie and Ultra fine (optional for wind detail)
  • 12 X 18 black constrcution paper ( I only had purple at the time)
  • 9 X 12 assorted blue construction paper
  • 9 X 12 red construction paper
  • scissors
  • pencils
  • glue sticks
  • white hole punch circles
Step 1: 

  • Show Birch Tree in Nature example. Point out how the black markings CONTRAST with the white bark. Click this link for an article about the history of the Birch Tree.
  • Point out the differences in each black making, not one is the same.
  • Tell students they will create black markings using different sized lines on Tree Template paper like this:
Step 3:
  • After students mark their paper, have them cut out each tree trunk.
  • Glue the colored blue 9 X 12 centered on the black 12 X 18 (landscape).
  • Glue the tree trunks over the blue 9 X 12 (allow choice for straight or leaning or both!):
Step 4: 
  • Show a Red Cardinal in nature example:
  • Point out how the red color of the wings CONTRASTS with the background color.
  • Point out the black markings on the wings.
  • Pass out bird template, place over red construction paper. Pressing hard, outline over bird and wing outline indenting the red paper beneath. 
  • Cut out the birds and wings.
  • apply Sharpie line designs to create wing patterns (optional).
Step 5: 
  • Talk about how birds look in nature: always moving, wings flapping. Have students arrange their birds and wings with that concept of moving and flapping in mind. Random placement is key to a natural look.
  • Glue birds and wings down:

Step 6: 

  • Glue hold punched white circles around the perimeter of the collage (not within the collage) to create a snowy-like border!

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