Thursday, April 30, 2015

Self Portraits Reflect Inner Color

So when I thought of coming back to this project for day 2 I wasn't very excited. Portrait, Shmortrait! So I thought of ways to mix it up and took a risk by allowing kids to paint their skin a color of their choice as opposed to using skin tones. 

I started off by talking to the kids about an orange. Yes, an orange. I talked about how our skin is like an orange- it can be smooth, bumpy and shiny at times but all it really does is hold our stuff in. Eventually, like an orange our skin will get old and wrinkly! 

Then I peeled the orange and had kids smell it while talking about the good stuff inside; tangy, juicy, cool and sweet. Just like YOU! Then I made the connection, and I think the kids got it, that it's not our skin color that matters but the colors of our insides that shine the most. When I asked the kids what colors they were inside every color of the rainbow was called out!
Check out these gorgeous portraits! The kids were do proud displaying their inner color!

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