Saturday, November 8, 2014

Missed 4th grade this week

I had to stay home to care for Nico Friday so I was unable to teach Owl Art to 4th graders this week. I Missed those guys! :(
The next art lesson for 4th grade isn't scheduled until December 5th so we will complete our Owls then and transition to more Winter-themed art. For our first project I am thinking about focusing on line and symmetry and having kids create embroidered snowflakes.

1st grade Owl Drawings

This week I got to lead the kiddos through a directed drawing of their Line Owl. I get about 15-20 minutes with each group and was only able to take pictures of my smallest group because I had extra time. I go back to the classroom in two weeks so I will take more pictures of their finished projects then.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall Owl

Materials needed: 9X12 colored construction paper, pencils, sharpies and oil pastels.

I love owls and always have.  I found this owl example on Pinterest and I think it is perfect for our next art session. I can simplify the interior design for the littles and I can expand upon the interior design for the bigger kiddos. This owl directed drawing, sharpie and oil pastel will emphasis on the elements of line and color contrast.