Thursday, December 18, 2014

1st grade Owls

The first grade class created vibrant and colorful winter owls following a directed drawing. This project took 2- 25 minute sessions. The best part was laying on the carpet together on our bellies sharing oil pastels and giving each other constructive feedback.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Winter Owl- 4th grade


4th grade followed a directed drawing of an owl and then sharpied over the lines. Once the sharpie outline was completed they began to apply oil pastel. These will look nice when they are finished!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Missed 4th grade this week

I had to stay home to care for Nico Friday so I was unable to teach Owl Art to 4th graders this week. I Missed those guys! :(
The next art lesson for 4th grade isn't scheduled until December 5th so we will complete our Owls then and transition to more Winter-themed art. For our first project I am thinking about focusing on line and symmetry and having kids create embroidered snowflakes.

1st grade Owl Drawings

This week I got to lead the kiddos through a directed drawing of their Line Owl. I get about 15-20 minutes with each group and was only able to take pictures of my smallest group because I had extra time. I go back to the classroom in two weeks so I will take more pictures of their finished projects then.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall Owl

Materials needed: 9X12 colored construction paper, pencils, sharpies and oil pastels.

I love owls and always have.  I found this owl example on Pinterest and I think it is perfect for our next art session. I can simplify the interior design for the littles and I can expand upon the interior design for the bigger kiddos. This owl directed drawing, sharpie and oil pastel will emphasis on the elements of line and color contrast.

Friday, October 31, 2014

4th grade Tree of Life Project

With the 4th grade students I have much more time to emphasize the elements of art and articulate terms with students. What I love hearing and seeing from the students is the correct usage of terminology and application that demonstrates understanding. The element that was most emphasized with this project was texture. Students observed tree bark and recognized its texture and recreated the appearance onto their trees using vertical overlapping lines with their sharpies. They selected magazine clippings that contained visual texture for their leaves. These are the beginning stages of the trees. Completed Trees will be posted soon!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tree of Life-1st grade

So I love Gustav Klimt and thought a tree project in the fall would be super fun for the first grade class my son is in. Right after I made my Tree of Life example I went to the movies and watched The Book Of Life. If you haven't seen it you have to go just for the visual stimulation- so amazingly colorful and vibrant! Anyway, my lesson direction quickly changed from Gustav Klimt to the Tree in the Book of Life Movie. I still titled it the Tree of a life, and the kids instantly identified with the example when I told them it was from the movie and were excited to begin!

Burlap Skull Embroidery-4th grade

I teach embroidery to my middle school students and wanted to teach it to my daughters class. My students, boys and girls alike, are always calmed and focused while hand stitching. The struggle I had was thinking of ways to embroidery easy for 4th grade students. The answer? BURLAP!!!
Get some burlap, plastic lacing needles and yarn (amazon) and you've got yourself endless embroidery opportunities. Check out 4th grade embroidered skulls.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mexican Mirror Suns-4th grade

Aluminum Tooling is a great medium because it involves complex materials and steps that keep kids engaged. All you need is a template that kids can outline, cut aluminum sheets ( I bought a roll on amazon)  tape and a stylus (amazon). Heck, even a dull pencil could work in place if a stylus! Don't forget a magazine beneath the aluminum to absorb the pressure in order to push the aluminum down or up, depending on whether you want a convexed or concave look. A roll of this aluminum can go a long way!